We are the premier employee benefits data resource on the web
FreeERISA.com provides free access to all form 5500s filed with the Department of Labor over the past two years, which include data on retirement, health, life, and other benefits plans from more than 1 million U.S. companies.
Since our launch in 1999, our users have come to us for critical information about existing employee benefits plans to identify prospective clients and opportunities.
Our 625,000 registered users represent a range of markets, including financial planning, insurance, legal, and business consulting.
FreeERISA.com is a service of
Judy Diamond Associates, Inc., a unit of
ALM Global.
Quick Facts
- 2.6 million Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) form 5500s, covering:
- 1.3 million plans
- 1 million plan sponsors
- Types of plans:
- Retirement
- Health
- Life
- Other benefits
- Data includes:
- Contact information
- Plan renewal dates
- Financial information
- Insurance information
- Service provider information
- DFE/Participating plan information
- Why FreeERISA.com?
- Financial planners: Grow your business by locating plans in your area.
- Insurance professionals: Find companies that might be interested in your products.
- Legal professionals: Review government filings pertaining to companies' employee benefits plans.
- Business consultants: Compare your clients' employee benefits plans to their peers to identify improvements and cost-saving opportunities.