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The New FreeERISA

We've redesigned FreeERISA from the ground up to make it better than ever. We have a new look, a streamlined interface, and superior searches. We hope this page will answer your questions about our new site.

Fill your calendar with appointments with highly qualified leads.

FreeERISA was Redesigned From Your Feedback

Over the past four years, we've received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from our users. This redesign incorporates the great ideas and suggestions we have received from users like yourself, and we hope this makes us an even more powerful source for your business solutions.

FreeERISA's New Features

In addition to the new look, we have added some new features and improvements:

  1. Consolidated Popular Searches

    We've taken our three most popular searches, 5500, 5310, and Top Hat filings, and consolidated them into a single search, prominently accessible from anywhere on the site.

  2. More Company Name Variations

    If a company files its 5500s using multiple names, you can now use any of those names in your search.

  3. Deluxe Search

    The new Deluxe search has all the same features of our old Enhanced 5500 Search (search by plan type, plan size), but with some added bonuses:

    • Find rollover opportunities by filtering for terminating retirement plans.
    • Go after high net worth targets by searching for companies that offer deferred compensation plans to executives.
    • Sort your results by plan size based on the average assets and participants.

  4. Easier Registration

    No more access codes. Just a simple confirmation email with your password.

  5. Quicker Access to our Document Retrieval Service

    Older filings and additional attachments are now available through our Document Retrieval service.

All former users of the Enhanced 5500 Search have been automatically upgraded at no additional charge!

Future Enhancements

Over the next few months we'll be rolling out a host of new features and services, including:

  • News
  • Polls
  • Sales tips & more

Make sure you check back with us often for our new business solutions.

Old Features Removed

We have removed tools like the Labor Library, the Public Pension Funds Directory, and a few others. These tools were based on government data that is no longer made available. We've dropped them from our list of services because we want to focus on providing you with only the most current, useful data available.

Where do I go for more information?

We encourage our users to spend some time exploring the new FreeERISA on their own to get a feel for the new site. We know you'll love it! However, if you have additional questions, please contact us.

Don't forget to check out some of the enhanced lead generation and marketing tools from our parent company, Judy Diamond Associates.

Send feedback

Tell us what you think about the new FreeERISA.
